
Git diff, disable a b prefix

 git config --global diff.noprefix true

Copy bunch of small files with tar

 In source dir: $ tar -cz * | base64 copy output In target dir: $ base64 --decode | tar -xz paste, ENTER and CTRL-D

Start Advanced Network Configuration

 sudo nm-connection-editor

virtualbox fix usb

sudo usermod -aG vboxusers $USER logout

jira dark theme on custom URL (in google chrome)

Install  Night Mode for Jira  and enable Edit config to add your custom jira/confluence URLs (2 places in file) Somewhere like this:  ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions/nlgc*/2.3_0/manifest.json In chrome open chrome://extensions/ Load unpacked Select folder that contains the manifest.json file. Refresh jira/confluence

Increase LVM partition

example: sudo lvextend -r -L +2G /dev/sysvg/root -r : resize filesystem -L +2G : add 2 more GB /dev/sysvg/root : LV Path